We are excited to announce an Institute of Healthy Ageing symposium in honour of our very own Professor Dame Linda Partridge.

Join us for a special one-day symposium celebrating Linda Partridge’s world-leading research in her 70th birthday year, hosted by the UCL Institute of Healthy Ageing.
Professor Linda Partridge works on the biology of ageing. Using a combination of approaches, from fruit flies to mice, to humans, she has shown that the mechanisms of ageing are strongly conserved throughout evolution and that the ageing process itself is malleable and can be slowed down by genes, environment and drugs.
Linda is the recipient of numerous awards including a DBE for Services to Science and the Royal Society’s Croonian Prize Lecture. She is the former director of the UCL Institute of Healthy Ageing, and is founding director of the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing in Cologne, Germany and Biological Secretary of the Royal Society.
This special symposium will include a keynote lecture by Professor Anne Brunet (Stanford University, USA) and presentations by Partridge Lab alumni including:
Professor Tracey Chapman (UEA, UK)
Dr Will Mair (Harvard Medical School, USA)
Dr Matt Piper (Monash University, Australia)
Professor Bas Zwaan (Wageningen, Netherlands)